Introduction by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Precious Hearts, since the dawn of this year we have been discussing the fact that our Father-Mother God and Company of Heaven issued the fiat that 2007 will be a year of monumental change. As incredible activities of Light unfold day by day, we can see the tangible manifestation of this Divine Plan. These activities of Light are preparing Humanity and the Earth for our Ascension into the 5th Dimensional Realms of Infinite Perfection.
Now, on July17, 2007, we are being presented with a Cosmic Opportunity that is unprecedented in our lifetime. Because of the myriad activities of Light that have taken place over the past several decades, Humanity is finally in a position to fire the grid that will unite the Divinity within everyman, woman and child on this sweet Earth. This grid will also reconnect Humanity directly with our Source, All That Is.
This grid has been a fragmented shadow of its original potential for aeons of time. This situation has prevented Humanity from being able to clearly perceive the Oneness of Humanity or to hear the still small voice within. Consequently, our communication with the Realms of Illumined Truth and our Father-MotherGod have been very, very limited.
なぜ2007年7月17日なのか? さて、光の存在たちは「宇宙の瞬間は訪れ、そして宇宙の瞬間は去ってゆきます」と表現しました。彼らは、もし人間性がこれらの宇宙の瞬間を逃す場合、機会が再び示される前の何千もの年かもしれないと言います。
Why July 17, 2007? Well, theBeings of Light have an expression, "Cosmic Moments come and Cosmic Moments go." They say that if Humanity misses these Cosmic Moments, it may be thousands of years before the opportunity will be presented again.
July 17, 2007, is a Cosmic Moment. On this sacred and holy day, there will be a surge of Creation Energy the very Heart of our Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father-Mother God that will blaze through the whole of Creation. This All-Powerful Light will raise the energy, vibration and consciousness of every facet of Life that was ever breathed forth from the Heart of God.
Through the unified intention of the collective consciousness of Lightworkers around the world, this awesome Creation Energy will also fire the grid and rewirethe short circuits and fragments that have caused our self-inflicted separation from God, as well as from each other.
This facet ofthe Divine Plan is being revealed to Humanity by Shelley Yates, herwebsite is http://www.firethegrid.org/ . Please read her story with an open heartand mind. We have all been preparing for this Cosmic Moment for millennia.At long last, our time is at hand.
This amazing story byShelley Yates tells about a miracle that happened to her and her smallson. The miracle revealed an opportunity for Humanity that will create anunstoppable shift for Planet Earth and all her Life. Read this informationcarefully, take it into your heart of hearts, and share it far and wide.Know that YOU are the Hands of God now made manifest in the physical world of form.
And so it is, Beloved IAM.
Patricia Cota-Robles
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by Shelley Yateshttp://www.firethegrid.org/
We are now in atime when natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes and tidal wavesare dramatically affecting our planet, and our lives on it. We now havethe power to destroy this beautiful Earth quickly, with atomic power, ormore slowly, with pollution and devastation of our resources andoverpopulation. I have been guided to tell you that we also have the veryreal power to save this planet and to make it a loving and healthy placefor ourselves and for future generations. Please take a few minutes toread my story. It will hopefully save our Earth.
I have a storyto tell you that I know will be hard to believe in parts, but it hashappened to me, and I cannot erase or deny any of it, though at times Iwish I could. I am a normal woman who grew up in simple yet chaotic times.I am much like you in most every way. I always thought I would be the lastone to have a miracle occur in her life, much less two miracles and allthat has happened since. Therefore the tale I tell could be of your life,and not mine. But seeing it is mine, I guess I was meant to tell it.
What I want to establish first is the fact that miracles dohappen, and they happen to people like you and me. What we need to makethese miracles happen is to open ourselves to the communication that isall around us every daycommunication not from this world but from theworld of our Creator, the Cosmos and the Universe. The message comes froma distance, but you find it by going inside and believing. We can allcreate miracles within our lives, and that is one of the main points inwriting this for you. I have no special tricks. Simply open yourself tothe possibility that what I tell you is possible and that it is availableto every person.
I will refer to God in many ways throughoutthis story.
This is strange for me to refer to God in any sense, as Ibelieved He had abandoned me a very long time ago. But I will refer to aPrime Creator of the Cosmos and the Universe, along with this Earth thatwe live on every day. I call God the Prime Creator because I want allthose to understand that this story is completely unbiased andunprejudiced to any affiliation with any religion, and the God of myunderstanding is not only an Earthly God, but a Universal God. I will alsorefer to God as Mother Earth, Gaia, which I came to learn through thisjourney is the female piece of God. As in everything that is in ourUniverse, you must balance darkness with Light, peace with war andrecognize the two faces of God, the female and the male. We are all piecesof this Prime Creator. We are a part of God.
Two miracleshappened in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. My son and I drowned in aflooded marsh and not only ived to tell the tale, but we are better thanever. I was dead for fifteen minutes. I was told by Beings of Light how tosave myself and my small son, and I was given a message on how to heal theEarth.
As you are reading this, I ask you with all my heart toopen yourself to the possibility of what I say. I feel it is imperativethat we unite this world as one planet with one common goalto establishpeace and prosperity for all, not just the select few who were blessed tobe in the right place at the right time. We are entering a new phase ofHumanity, and what I will tell you in this website, http://www.firethegrid.org/, will help us as a race to assimilate thechanges that the future will bring.
I have not had God in mylife for forty years. I did, however, as a child, chase the possibility of God. I felt that those people who had undying faith were the lucky ones, and the fact that I believed in nothing made me the loser. As a child I often spoke to God but never felt heard or connected. It took life throwing me into a flooded marsh and drowning me to open my eyes to thereality of how much we are all connected to the Divine Power.
It is showing up now more than ever. You can go on the
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