1946年11月11日 アメリカ合衆国 ニューヨーク市生まれ
A Fresh Look at Contact:
In this Webinar Sheldan updates us on the events that must intervene before we can be ready for first contact.
Topics include...
• Recent events pushing first contact forward
• The Agarthans and first contact
• Growing chaos of dark cabal's war with Galactic Federation
• Weather changes resulting from dark cabal's battle with Galactic Federation
• Ending the fear: exposing the UFO Cover-Up
• First contact - key to our new reality
• Shifting first contact scenarios
Sunday, June 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, June 27, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Seats are Limited... Register Now!
Cost: $15.00 U.S
Sheldan Nidle Biography
Sheldan Nidle was born in New York City on Nov. 11, 1946, and grew up in Buffalo, New York. His first extraterrestrial and UFO experiences began shortly after his birth and were highlighted all through his childhood by various modes of contact phenomena, as well as accompanying manifestations - light-form communications, extraterrestrial visitations, and teaching/learning sessions on board spacecraft. During most of his life, he has enjoyed ongoing telepathic communications and direct 'core knowledge' inserts (etheric and physical implants). Sheldan has visually observed and physically experienced spacecraft throughout the years.
Around the age of fourteen, Sheldan requested that the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies discontinue communications with him because he was experiencing overwhelming conflict between their scientific knowledge and what he was learning here on Earth. They left, but the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies told him that they would be back when it was time to complete his mission for planet Earth and her people. In high school, he was placed in advanced science programs in subject areas such as physics, chemistry, and calculus.
Sheldan received an M.A. in Political Science from the University at Buffalo in 1968. He also received an M.A. in Southeast Asian Government from Ohio University in 1970 and an M.A. in American Politics and International Public Administration from the University of Southern California, where he also pursued a Ph.D. program (1974-76). In the 1970s, he was Vice-President for Scientific Programming at Syntar Productions, where he co-created a documentary on the life and accomplishments of Nikola Tesla. From the 1970s through the mid-1980s, he was involved in scientific research on alternative sources of electrical energy. In the mid-1980s, his extraterrestrial contacts resumed. Currently, Sheldan is a representative and lecturer for the Galactic Federation of Light and, in November 1997, founded the Planetary Activation Organization (PAO).
「ホルスの錬金術 黄金ファラオの秘宝」の前編になるのが「聖なる谷 空中都市マチュピチュを超えて」で、こちらの方は1991年に出かけたインカ帝国の遺跡を巡る旅の中での神秘体験やUFO目撃を綴った旅行記です。
アマゾン読者レヴュー ★★★★★
[単行本(ソフトカバー)] 価格: ¥ 1,890