
Soul DNA Workshop in Kaneohe

今年の春に行われたBMSエクスポで知り合ったサイキックのジェニファーさんがカイルア地区で「Soul DNA」のワークショップを行います。


ジェニファーさんの著作Soul DNA」はアマゾンでご購入できます。


What is Soul DNA?

"Do I have it? Does everyone have it? How do I find it?"

"Soul DNA is your spiritual genetic system; this system is very carefully structured with a purpose.  Built into your Soul DNA is the knowledge of how to bring into your life everything that you desire!"

Jennifer O'neall

÷Jennifer O'Neill is the leading expert in the field of Soul DNA.

÷During this class you will discover what your Soul DNA is and how to work more fluidly with the gifts and information that you have been built with.

÷Jennifer will help you to understand your life themes and further understand why they are important to your life, as well as how it is affecting your life right now.

÷You will also learn what your spiritual health is, and what spiritual health has to do with your physical health.

÷Why and how all of these things are linked to your overall health and spiritual well being.

This workshop will leave you with a greater understanding of who you are as well as give you some focus in the direction that you should be heading!

Soul DNA, Life Themes & Spiritual Health Workshop ~ $125.00

September24th, 2011 (4:30-7:00pm)
Mindful Matters Wellness
407 Uluniu St., Ste 412
Kailua, HI  96734

Jeniffer O'Neall
Author, Spiritual Teacher

e-mail: info@soul-dna.com

Price: $11.95 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details

Editorial Reviews

Product Description

What if you were never taught limitations as a child, what would your life be like now? Would it be different? What if you grew up knowing whatever you wanted to accomplish in life would just happen? Simply by putting the intention out into the Universe it would manifest itself into your life. Would you be in a different career? Would you be happier? Sounds almost too good to be true doesn't it? I would like to introduce you to Soul DNA. Built into your Soul DNA is the knowledge of how to bring into your life everything that you desire. In your natural state of existence it is common knowledge.When you read Soul DNA it will open your mind, helping you to understand endless possibilities. "The Universe and Spirit does not understand limitations... PEOPLE invented limitations!" ~
Jennifer O'Neill

This book starts at the beginning of your creation, explaining to you the essence of who you are as well as what your Soul DNA is. Soul DNA will explain to you more about your journey here on earth, happiness, free will, soul chemistry and what happens when you release your physical body. 

Product Details
